How does a smart TV at home watch TV series "My Time"
Synopsis: The upcoming college student Sawada Takuto (Miura Haruma ornaments), in the brutal battlefield, married the girl's Honjoe Hui (multiple unfinished Wako ornaments) at the same school. The two young people who are constantly frustrated lose sight of one another, misunderstandings and goodwill, and gradually deepen understanding in the process of communication. The extension person who took off the mask wished to become a formal employee of a furniture company, and Xiao Hui found the direction of the advancement in the care institutions for the elderly. After some twists and turns, the two young people finally came together. When everything seems to be smooth, Tuo found it...
Users using smart TVs or TV boxes can watch "My Time" through the sofa butler.
You can download "TaiJi Video", "Tencent Video TV Edition" and other video on demand applications for free at the smart TV or TV box through a sofa butler.
The sofa butler can help users to accurately search, download at high speed, and manage the cloud in a large number of video applications, and watch "My Time" for free.
Sofa butler installation address:
Silicon Transistor are solid-state semiconductor devices with functions such as detection, rectification, amplification, switching, voltage regulation, and signal modulation. The transistor acts as a variable current switch and can control the output current based on the input voltage. Unlike ordinary mechanical switches (such as Relay and switch), transistors use electrical signals to control their opening and closing, and the switching speed can be very fast. The switching speed in the lab can reach more than 100GHz.
Silicon Transistor, Power Transistor, IGBT Transistor, N-Channel Transistor, PNP Transistor