Some LM series audio power amplifier block parameters

model Common voltage Output Power voltage range Number of internal amplifiers Package form THD rating
4Ω 8Ω 16Ω
LM2876 ± 30V 35 50 26 20--60 D TO-220 (11) 0.06
LM3875 ± 35V 56 70 39 20--84 D TO-220 (11) 0.06
LM3876 ± 35V 56 70 39 20--84 D TO-220 (11) 0.06
LM3886 ± 35V 87 78 41 20--84 D TO-220 (11) 0.03
LM4700 ± 28V 29 42 twenty four 20--64 D TO-220 0.08
LM1875 ± 25V 25 30 - 16--60 D TO-220 (5) 0.02
LM386 16V 0.8 1.6 4--18 D DIP8 0.25
LM380 14V 2.25 - 10--22 D DIP8 \ 14 0.2
LM383 14V 5.5 5--20 D TO220 (S) 0.2
LM1877 12V 1.75 1.3 0.75 6-24 S DIP14 0.055
LM1876 ± 22V 29 26 14 20--54 S TO-220 (15) 0.08
LM2896 12V 4.25 2.5 3--15 S SIP (11) 0.14
LM388 6V 0.8 0.5 0.35 4--12 D DIP14 0.1
LM4861 5V 1.75 1.45 0.85 2.7-5.5 D SO (8) 0.45
LM2878 12V 2 1.8 6-32 S SIP (11) 0.14
LM4860 5V 1.9 1.45 0.85 2.7-5.5 D SO16 0.72
LM831 5V 0.4 0.44 1.8-6 S DIP16 0.25
LM384 12V 1.75 12-26 D DIP14 0.25
LM2877 12V 1.75 1.3 6--24 S SIP (11) 0.07
Technical area detailed analysis of Doherty power amplifier design load traction principle (top) detailed analysis of Doherty power amplifier design how to improve efficiency (lower) voltage follower input and output error analysis lm386 power amplifier energization will produce noise causes and treatment methods analysis class d Solve the effect of power amplifier on emi

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Standard Recovery Stud Diode

Standard Recovery Stud Diode are mainly used for rectifying and switching

It has positive pressure reduction (0.4v -- 1.0v), short reverse recovery time (2-10ns nanosecond), large reverse leakage current, low pressure resistance, generally lower than 150V, and is used in low voltage situations.

Diodes are electronic devices that have two electrodes that allow only a single current to flow in a single direction.Varicap bond (bond) is an electronic adjustable capacitor.Most diodes have a current orientation that we call reading "rectifier".The most common function of a diode is to allow only the current to pass in one direction (called forward bias) and to block in the opposite direction (called reverse bias).

Standard Recovery Stud Diode,Standard Recovery Diode,400V Standard Recovery Diode,Stud Diode