It has been tested that lowering the order of the equation improves the speed of calculation
Use reasonable calculation methods to improve calculation speed and accuracy. Reduce the order of the system of equations. The current of each lead bar and the electric potential induced in the detection coil are in principle related to the induced potential of each lead bar. But in fact, the potential of each bar is very small when it is outside the distance of a few bars near the excitation magnet, and it can be regarded as zero.
It is only necessary to analyze the GB1, eB1 waveform within a distance of m guide bars in the circumferential direction near the magnet. This can reduce the value of p, thereby reducing the order of the equation and increasing the speed of calculation. At this time, if the cubic spline function is still used to fit GB1 and eB1, the two endpoints of the interval no longer coincide. The additional constraint at this time is G ″ sB1 (tm) = G ″ sB1 (tm) = 0, tm, tm is the time when the -m guide bar and the m guide bar pass through the detection coil.
At this time, the unknown demand is not the original (n + 2p + 4). But the p value at this time can be smaller than the original, so the order of the equation is lower. Reasonably select the position of the interpolation point, because the GB1 waveform can become symmetrical about the longitudinal axis, so only the function value of the half-point interpolation point can be taken to be quantified, so that the value of p is reduced to half when it is not processed. However, since the magnetic field of the excitation magnet is affected by the current of the guide bar and loses its symmetry, eB1 cannot be handled in this way.
When inspecting the same batch of products on the assembly line, when a considerable number of rotors are inspected, the best curves of GB1 and eB1 can be obtained from these inspection data by statistical methods. According to this curve, the position of the interpolation point can be selected reasonably, the number of interpolation points can also be reduced, and the calculation speed and accuracy can be improved.
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