Optical fiber access technology and the development of optical fiber communication technology
Wavelength division multiplexing technology can make full use of the huge bandwidth resources brought by the single-mode fiber low-loss region. According to the different frequency (or wavelength) of the light wave of each channel, the low-loss window of the optical fiber is divided into several channels, the light wave is used as the signal carrier, and the wavelength division multiplexer (combiner) is used at the sending end, which will be different. The signal optical carriers of the wavelength are combined and sent to an optical fiber for transmission. At the receiving end, a wavelength division multiplexer (demultiplexer) separates these optical carriers carrying different signals at different wavelengths. Since the optical carrier signals of different wavelengths can be regarded as independent of each other (when the nonlinearity of the optical fiber is not considered), multiplexing transmission of multiple optical signals can be realized in one optical fiber.
Fiber Access Technology
The fiber access network is the "last mile" of the information highway. To realize the high-speed transmission of information and meet the needs of the public, not only a broadband backbone transmission network, but also the user access part is the key, and the optical fiber access network is the key technology for high-speed information flow into millions of households. In the optical fiber broadband access, due to the difference in the location of the optical fiber, there are different applications such as FTTB, FTTC, FTTCab and FTTH, collectively referred to as FTTx.FTTH (fiber to the home) is the final method of optical fiber broadband access, which provides all-optical Access, therefore, can make full use of the broadband characteristics of optical fiber, provide users with the unlimited bandwidth needed, and fully meet the needs of broadband access. At present, domestic technology can provide users with FE or GE bandwidth, which is an ideal access method for users of large and medium-sized enterprises.
Development of optical fiber communication technology
In recent years, with the advancement of technology, the reform of the telecommunications management system and the gradual and comprehensive opening of the telecommunications market, the development of optical fiber communications has once again presented a new situation of vigorous development. Description and outlook, the development of ultra-high-speed systems, the evolution of ultra-large capacity WDM systems.
From the perspective of the development of optical fiber communications in recent years, building a national backbone optical network that is the most transparent, highly flexible, and ultra-large capacity can not only lay a solid physical foundation for the future National Information Infrastructure (NII), China's next century's information industry and national economy's take-off and national security have extremely important strategic significance. The development of the optical fiber communications industry is also an irreversible trend in modern communications.
AC (Alternating Current) Power cord is to transmit high voltage. It is used to drive machinery or home appliances. Since AC Power Cord is output of high voltage electric power, there is a risk of electric shock injury, therefore, All the AC power cord must comply with safety standard to produce. DC (direct Current) power cord is used to the applicance with lower voltage mostly, so safety requirement is less stringent.
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