Application of FPGA technology in in-vehicle testing to ensure vehicle quality, reliability and safety

1 Introduction

Before the car is delivered from the factory, the R&D design and the vehicle's off-line are subject to rigorous testing to ensure the quality of the product and the reliability and safety of the sub-system work. With the development of automotive electronics technology, test projects and requirements are also increasing, so the scalability of test systems is getting more and more attention. The new generation of automotive electronic system testing technology is increasingly focused on testing the operational status of various electromechanical systems while driving, in order to shorten test time and complete reliability testing. There are various types of vehicle tests, including different signal types, such as: checking the efficiency of the air conditioning system through temperature measurement of multiple points; monitoring the CAN network to ensure normal communication between control units or devices; and verifying ride comfort through acceleration measurements. These different types of testing often require different test equipment to complete; engineers need to be familiar with these different test equipment.

In order to ensure the smooth completion of the test, the test system must have a high degree of reliability, for example, to ensure that the sensor measurement data and image data are recorded in the car crash test. In addition, the test environment is more complicated. For example, the common-mode voltage of the stack in the fuel cell test may exceed kV, and good ground isolation performance is required. Considering the test space, budget and other factors, manufacturers also hope to replace these different discrete test equipment with an integrated and highly reliable test system, which can define functions according to specific applications, while meeting the requirements of test environment and technical indicators.

Because field-programmable gate array (FPGA) technology features custom logic and high reliability, engineers can incorporate FPGA technology into test systems to address these in-vehicle testing challenges while meeting low cost, system scalability, and complexity. Test environment requirements. This article will explore the application of FPGA related technology in vehicle testing.

2. FPGA technology, a platform for multiple applications

FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is a product of further development of programmable devices such as PAL, GAL, and PLD. Its logic function is completed by an internally arranged logic cell array (Logic Cell Array). The logic cell array includes three parts: a Configurable Logic Block, an Input Output Block, and an Interconnect. Engineers can implement software logic to reconfigure logic modules and I/O modules within the FPGA to implement custom logic.

FPGA technology has many advantages, including custom I/O hardware timing and synchronization, high reliability, digital signal processing and analysis. These advantages provide a flexible, low-cost solution for fast-growing automotive electronic test technology. The following is an example of vehicle testing.

The technical specifications of different on-board tests are also different, including sampling rate, signal conditioning, processing and analysis. For example, the sampling rate ranges from 15 Hz for GPS data recording to 200 kHz for collision tests. While the FPGA is directly connected to digital and analog I/O, different sample rates and triggers can be defined for each channel. Therefore, FPGA technology can be applied to implement a single system to solve all these in-vehicle test applications, avoiding the need for custom hardware or multiple test systems. That is, a single FPGA platform can be used for low-speed, high-precision GPS or temperature recording. It can also be used for collision tests with high sampling rate requirements through fast programming. It is also possible to coexist different sampling rates in the same measurement application in parallel. For example, a 50 kHz vibration test can be performed while configuring the FPGA to achieve 10 Hz temperature acquisition; and synchronization between any I/O can be achieved, for example, to achieve nanosecond synchronization measurements between CAN bus data and digital or analog I/O signals. . Without FPGA technology, it is difficult to achieve a single system that meets these different in-vehicle testing needs.

Advanced signal processing and analysis of any sensor signal using FPGA technology. In many signal processing systems, the underlying signal preprocessing algorithm has to process a large amount of data, which requires high processing speed, but the algorithm is relatively simple and can be implemented by FPGA. In addition, it is convenient to perform digital filtering operations, fast Fourier transform (FFT), windowing and other signal processing and analysis on the acquired signals on the FPGA. Sensor-level signal processing and analysis capabilities enable FPGA technology to be successfully applied to the development of high-speed data acquisition processing cards and high-speed image acquisition processing cards.

In addition, FPGA-customizable logic functions are used to develop custom boards for rapid prototyping of engine control units (ECUs) and hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HIL). FPGAs enable extremely fast closed-loop control loop rates at the hardware level. Fast response to CAN, analog or digital signal inputs through FPGA programming, while FPGA parallelism allows multiple fast control loops to be integrated into the same system. For example, Drivven's application of FPGA's reconfigurable performance enables prototype design of the Yamaha YZF-R6 engine control system, eliminating the need to purchase multiple custom hardware during the design process, thereby reducing costs; MicroNova is also based on The high-reliability, customizable logic-enabled FPGA hardware platform enables hardware-in-the-loop simulation of the world's first V12 gasoline engine.

3. Graphical FPGA programming

FPGA technology has many advantages, such as customizable logic, high reliability, etc. It can be widely used in automotive testing and development of custom boards. However, engineers often need to master knowledge of hardware design languages ​​such as VHDL when programming FPGAs. Graphical development tools, such as NaTIonal Instruments (NI)'s highly efficient graphical development environment, LabVIEW, are designed for engineers and scientists who need to build flexible, scalable test measurement and control applications to meet their needs. Cost, the fastest development system needs.

Asic Miner

Application-Specific Integrated Circuit refers to an integrated circuit specifically designed to perform a specific computing task. It is very common to use ASIC for mining in the field of blockchain. This article will analyze the principle of ASIC mining and why it should be anti-ASIC.

For Bitcoin, mining has gone through four stages: CPU, GPU, FPGA and ASIC. GPU is naturally suitable for parallel simple operations, so the execution of SHA256 is much higher than the CPU. FPGA is a programmable hardware, because it has a certain degree of universality, so the unit price will be relatively expensive. ASIC has a large initial design investment, but the unit price will be cheaper after mass production. Therefore, if you can determine that the market size is relatively large, the use of ASIC technology will be the most cost-effective.

This is the basic principle of ASIC.

In a nutshell, mining is running complicated calculations in the search for a specific number. Whether it`s an ASIC miner or a GPU mining rig, mining hardware must run through many calculations before finding that number. In proof of work systems like Bitcoin, the first one to find that number gets a reward - at the time of writing, 12.5 Bitcoins worth around $96,850. That reward will fall to 6.25 Bitcoins in May 2020.

There are so many people and powerful computing systems trying to mine Bitcoin that miner groups form to find that number and share the profit. Even more, the faster your hardware, the more you earn. That`s why people who can afford it opt for ASIC miners because it gives them the greatest chance of earning cryptocurrency in exchange for their investment.

Each cryptocurrency has its own cryptographic hash algorithm, and ASIC miners are designed to mine using that specific algorithm. Bitcoin ASIC miners are actually designed to calculate the SHA-256 hash algorithm. In the case of Litecoin, it uses Scrypt. That means technically they could mine any other coin that`s based on the same algorithm, though typically, people who buy ASIC hardware designed for Bitcoin mine that specific digital currency.

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