The difference between traditional instruments and PC-based instruments

It is logical for test equipment manufacturers' associations to design advanced technologies, such as high-speed communication ICs, highly complex ICs, and cutting-edge DSPs, without alternatives to cutting-edge test equipment, especially at the stage of new product development. Many competent engineers still talk about their integrating oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, frequency signal sources and digital multimeters.

Flexibility is not the only driving force behind the growth of PC-centric T & M products, and economy is also a driving force that cannot be ignored. Since it costs $ 1,000, and then add a few hundred dollars to buy some commercially available special plug-in cards to complete almost the same work, why do you need to spend $ 20,000 or $ 30,000 to buy a dedicated test equipment?

The boundary between traditional instruments and PC-based instruments is often blurred. The built-in powerful PC is called "PC base", which is just like the PC with built-in T & M function card and software. As a result, the joint trend of the two camps continues to grow, at least for now, and for end users, they can take advantage of both.

For more than ten years, NI has been at the forefront of producing PC-centric software and hardware products. NI believes that on the surface, the T & M method used to produce PC-centric products looks very similar to the method used to produce traditional desktop instruments (such as Agilent and Tektronix), but in fact, these are two very different Methods, there are obvious differences. Users can quickly update the instrument on site, just like updating a PC for T & M. An instrument has a life span of 5 years to 20 years, while a PC has a life span of only one and a half to two years. Obviously, relative to the average standard, the performance of the PC part of an instrument degrades very quickly over time. Conversely, PC-centric products can still maintain advanced PC computing capabilities.

1.25mm Ribbon Connector

To use the 1.25mm Ribbon Connector, you will need to first ensure that the ribbon cable is properly aligned with the connector. The pins on the connector should be lined up with the corresponding holes on the ribbon cable. Once the cable is properly aligned, you can then insert the connector into the corresponding socket on the device.

Overall, the 1.25mm Ribbon Connector is a reliable and versatile connector that is widely used in the electronics industry. Its high-density design and compatibility with ribbon cables make it an ideal choice for many applications

1.25Mm Ribbon Connector,Pressure Terminal Connectors,Pressure Terminal Connector,Pressure Connectors